Fixing and Flipping Properties for Profits in the New Normal
with Robyn Thompson, the Queen of Rehab!
What a long, strange trip the last couple of years has been, especially for rehabbers!
With thousands of hungry home buyers waiting to snatch up ANYTHING you fix and put on the market, often at crazy prices, but a simultaneous lack of inventory, supplies, and labor, it’s time we got some perspective from one of the top National real estate trainers, Robyn Thompson, the Undisputed Queen of Rehab.
You probably know her story (or maybe you’re living it…) Robyn spent 9 years in a dead end corporate job, and realized that no amount of hard work or dedication was going to lead her to the financial independence she craved, so she walked away from her secure paycheck to create a business fixing houses and reselling them to homeowners.
Since then, she’s bought, fixed, and sold over 360 homes with a price range from as low as $8,000 to as high as $3.5 million. But more importantly, she’s kept her finger on the pulse of what works in fix and flips, in hot markets and cold and now, in the most overheated market in living memory.
That’s why we’ve invited her to share what’s working NOW, for her and for her students all over the U.S.—and what’s absolutely not, so you can quit spinning your wheels following outdated advice.
-If you’re in the rehabbing business, you already know why you need to get to this meeting: every piece of advice Robyn gives will make you more money.
-If you are a WANNA BE REHABBER, starting with Robyn and her decades of hard-earned experience and wisdom is your best bet for avoiding the mistakes that will lose you money.
-if you are an experienced investor, you can always learn more from Robyn each time you hear her.
Robyn Thompson’s CD: The 21 Deadliest Mistakes that Real Estate Investors Make is Your Gift!
Are you having trouble finding profitable deals? Are you having contractor issues? Do you want higher
profits on your rehabs? If you answered yes to any of these three questions then you make sure you
come out to out meeting on April 16th to get one of Robyn Thompson’s brand new CDs entitled The 21
Deadliest Mistakes that Real Estate Investors Make.
She will giving this cutting edge informational CD to everyone who attends our monthly meeting on
April 16th.
Robyn is the nation’s leading expert on buying houses needing rehabbed, fixing them up and making
them drop dead gorgeous and then selling them for massive profits. Come out and learn how she did 51
Rehabs in one year. You will not want to miss this action packed meeting.