Rebates, Incentives and Technical Expertise
Learn what rebates and incentives are available for your property!
The discussion will provide information on single and multifamily energy efficiency programs through the sponsors of Energize CT, United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas, and Connecticut Natural Gas. Energy assessments and incentives for weatherization, insulation, HVAC and water heater systems, windows, and advanced duct sealing are available through various Energize CT programs. The Multifamily Initiative (5+ units) can also offer customer opportunities for property owners and managers. The goal of energy efficiency is to reduce energy use now and in the future while making residents more comfortable where they live.
John J. Karyczak
Energy Efficiency Program Principal
Conservation and Load Management
CNG | SCG | UI | UIL Holdings
60 Marsh Hill Road, Orange, CT 06477
Phone: 203-710-6377